“Welcome to the feast. All is set.”
Dear Readers, my friend Jessica wrote a book. It is very cool. See below for her own thoughts.
Dear fellow writers,
This last week was a good beginning to my Summer writing activities.
I have not written anything since the beginning of April. No Blogs. No
Name the book title and author from this quote.
"I haven’t missed it. The Spirits have done it all in one night. . . "
Name the title and author from this passage.
FYI: Character names were removed to ensure the passage's challenge.
They were the only ones who knew that the angel on top of the tree was actually a garden gnome that had bitten the [older brother] on the ankle as he pulled up carrots for Christmas dinner. Stupefied, painted gold, stuffed into a miniature tutu and with small wings glued to its back, it glowered down at them all, the ugliest angel [he] had ever seen, with a large bald head like a potato and rather hairy feet.
Name the title and author of this popular YA novel.
Then, we went outside to put up luminaria, which is an activity where all our neighbors fill brown paper bags with sand and line the street with them. Then, we stick a candle in the sand of each bad, and when we light the candles, it turns the street into a “landing strip” for Santa claus.
Name the title/ author of this children's book.
Fahoo fores dahoo dores
Welcome Christmas bring your light
Fahoo fores dahoo dores
Spoiler Alert! I am about to reveal the ending of P.D Eastman’s book.
Enthralling is my friend Linda’s favourite word to describe A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L‘Engle. Her well crafted tales finds Meg and Charles Wallace on another adventure.
As a youngster, I was always impressed by the Joe’s moral codes. Whether it was Ace and Wild Weasel’s areal stand off or Lifeline vs the Oktober guard, individual beliefs have always made the Joe’s stories special.
The following Joes are cool (for dozens of reasons): Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Hawk, Grunt, Hawk, Stalker, Duke, Cover Girl, Rock-n-Roll, Clutch, Tunnel Rat, Flint, Storm Shadow, Major Blood, Destro, Baroness, Low Light, Road Block, Chuckles, Rip Cord, Zartan, Spirit, Law & Order, Shipwreck, etc.
G. I joe has always been Snake eyes, Snake eyes, Snakes eyes.
A faceless, bad ass soldier who didn't talk, and whose face you never get to see. A mysterious warrior usually doing the impossible. I loved it.
I once asked a young student what he wanted to read about in my blog and he said, "Tell me what you loved to do as a kid."
Of course, the answer was, and still is, reading comics.
The questions are endless about Joe Hill's mysterious, dark story about the Locke family and their house in volume 4 of this graphic novel series.
John Bellair's The House with a clock in its Walls returns
True, I read A Tale of Two Cities many many many years ago in high school. But, you still can't deny the power of those opening lines, "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times" especially in the middle of a global pandemia.
A collection of my reading highlights from 2019. Enjoy.
This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for having read the following books:
Along a winding wooded road
Beneath the full moon’s light
A tinker drives his loaded cart
Hours into the night.
The Ghost of Count Otto and the Pumpkin Wizard is on sale now!
Why I chose Eva Ibbotson's book
The Greatest Fear: Your publisher has sent the new artwork for your book. The first glimpse is the hardest. You don't know what to expect. You are nervous. Did they capture the essence of your characters?
Italy is Pizza, Pisa, Da Vinci, snowy mountains, gellato, hot beaches, strong coffee, tasty wine, beautiful views of picture postcard valleys, and a celebration on the football pitch waiting to happen.
But, what about their children?
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