Not Disney's Pan

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by Tim Burdick on 23 August, 2016

Brom's The Child Thief is a scary and disturbing reinvention of J.M. Barrie's tale.
Peter Pan, Captain Hook, Lost Boys, and Neverland still exist, but with new twists and surprises await between the pages.

The story opens in modern times with Petr saving a little girl from being sexually abused by her father. He kills the man and the girl joins him, but everything has a price and every choice has a consequence. Is Peter rescuing children to keep them from growing up? Or for some other purpose?

This overall tale revolves around the battle between Peter and his Devils (Lost Boys) vs. the Flesh Eaters (the Pirates) who fight over Avalon--the new Neverland, not a quiet jungle, but an island full of monsters. Killings, beheadings, mutilations, cursing and much more fill this Young Adult novel. For anyone who likes their fairy tales Grimm and dark, you will enjoy this story. But please remember not every character lives happily ever after.

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