Where the best ice cream is. . .

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by Tim Burdick on 29 August, 2013

not France or California, not even Italy, but Pokeno, a small town outside of Auckland, New Zealand.

This typical Kiwi town was the last stop before you reached the big city. But, then they built a highway around the town and travelers drove past without stopping. The stores, restaurants, bakers, and ice cream parlor watched their business disappear overnight, so they figured out a way to get their business. The answer was simple.

Ice cream cones-HUGE ones. A single scoop of ice cream was a large in most countries. Two or three scoops was a meal. Ahh, the flavors were bliss. Manuka Honey and Almond, Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Mango Sorbet, Coffee. I could keep the list going all day.

I don’t know if they still serve these sizes, but I hope they do. In our world today, It makes me smile to know that there is a town where ice cream rules.

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